At the foot of Trump Tower on Friday, Donald Trump supporters cry injustice, the day after the former president’s conviction in the Stormy Daniels affair.
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Russia denounces “the elimination of political adversaries” in the United States: it is Donald Trump that the Kremlin is talking about, after his historic criminal conviction on Thursday, May 30. The former American president was targeted in the Stormy Daniels affair, accused of having bought the silence of this former porn actress, to avoid a scandal, before his election in 2016 – and of having, to do so, falsified documents accountants.
Donald Trump, on Friday, mentioned a trial “very unfair” from his Trump Tower, in front of which some of his supporters had come to support him.
At the foot of Trump Tower in Manhattan, tourists, dozens of cameras and a handful of Trumpists with their flags and caps. “It’s unfair, it’s political persecution!, Monique is indignant. I’m here to support him, Trump is a victim! He’s not guilty of anything!”
At his side, Julia came with the “mugshot” of Donald Trump, this photo taken during one of his many indictments. She has a nickname for the ex-president. “The Orange Man is the last great hope for American democracy, she maintains, We are watching the beginning of the collapse of this great empire.
“If we don’t send this man back to the White House, America no longer exists. And if America says ‘bye bye,’ the world is in danger too.”
Julia, pro-Trump protesterat franceinfo
Deon takes the opportunity to sell caps. He no longer recognizes this city, he says, which had loved its local golden boy so much. “It was Donald Trump who began to bring New York back to life,” he says. Before continuing: “But one day he decided to enter politics and New Yorkers changed, Boom! It’s been a roller coaster of love and hate but it seems the love is back.” And everyone, regardless of the circumstances, will vote for Donald Trump on November 5.