Donald Trump’s Dream Country

It’s big. Material for Hollywood. FBI agents who arrive unannounced in the opulent residence of a former president of the United States. They search for hours. They seize boxes of documents. If they find what they are looking for, the former president risks losing the right to run for office. He may even end up in jail.

Posted at 7:35 p.m.

It’s big. And yet, no one in the United States dares to imagine that this unprecedented search will tarnish the reputation of Donald Trump.

At this point, notice, there’s probably nothing left to tarnish.

But above all, Trump supporters have always supported him wholeheartedly. Through all the scandals, all the lies. the grab them by the pussy. The procedures ofimpeachment. The riot of January 6, 2021…

Nothing moved them. So it’s not the possibility of a criminal prosecution that will change their minds. On the contrary, they are more reassembled than ever.

We do not know the details of this search. There is talk of a transfer of classified documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s residence in Palm Beach, Florida.

We do not know the details, but, in the United States, the allies of Trump do not seem to want to know them. Already, they are choking with rage in the face of this witch hunt, this politicization of the FBI, this instrumentalization of justice, this other dirty trick of the deep state…

It can be said that Trump has trained his army well. His supporters are perfectly conditioned. It never fails: as soon as it is a question of shedding light on the bad tricks of the ex-president, they cry out for political persecution. Like Pavlov’s dogs.

Donald Trump has every advantage in fueling this paranoia. “Our nation is living through dark days,” he said Monday when announcing the Mar-a-Lago raid. “Such aggression could only take place in ruined Third World countries. »

Unfortunately, the United States has now become one of those countries, corrupt on a level never seen before. They even broke into my safe!

donald trump

The ex-president holds the “radical left democrats” responsible for this despicable police operation, failing to mention that the boss of the junta, sorry, of the FBI, Christopher Wray, was appointed by… Trump himself, in 2017 .

But let’s forget this slight detail. Fox News on Monday spoke bluntly of the advent of a “police state” in America. The FBI would have become downright “the enemy of the people”.

On social networks, it’s delirium.

If the FBI can raid a [ex-]American president, imagine what he can do to you.

Republican New York Rep. Elise Stefanik on Twitter

Like others, the politician seemed shocked to discover that in a democracy no one is above the law. Not even Donald Trump.

Once again, the cynicism and hypocrisy of Trump’s allies is reaching stratospheric levels. These Republican parliamentarians are bent on discrediting the democratic institutions of their own country in order to make political gains.

Take Kevin McCarthy, Republican leader in the House of Representatives, who on Monday slammed the “intolerable politicization” of the Department of Justice. In a statement, Kevin McCarthy promised to investigate Merrick Garland, the United States Attorney General. “Keep your documents and free your agenda,” he ordered.

“Keep your documents. In other words, don’t do like Donald Trump, who had the annoying habit of blocking the White House toilets with the documents he wanted to get rid of.

But hey, the ex-president can leave top-secret files lying around at Mar-a-Lago with the casualness of a Maxime Bernier at Julie Couillard, it’s not Kevin McCarthy who will hold it against him. There is not a word about it in his statement. After all, what is this old paperwork worth?

Yet it was the same Kevin McCarthy who castigated Hillary Clinton’s “fundamental lack of judgment” and her “total disregard for the protection of the confidentiality of information” in 2016, when it was revealed that the former Secretary of State had used his private email account as part of his duties.

These are the same Trump supporters, at the time, who were chanting: Lock her up!

This time, strangely, nobody chants Lock him up…

Whatever Donald Trump says, the United States is not a banana republic.

To conduct this search, FBI agents had to obtain a warrant from a federal judge. They had to convince him that a crime was probably committed by the ex-president.

It is assumed that the evidence presented to the judge was strong. A swipe in the water would play into Trump’s game, who plans to return to the White House in 2024, saying he is persecuted by elites and corrupt institutions.

A destructive electoral strategy, perhaps, but repeatedly tested by the demagogues of the planet, in these dream countries where presidents are above the law.

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