Donald Trump wins New Hampshire Republican primary, according to US media

The ultra-favorite of the American right, Donald Trump, won the Republican primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday evening, ahead of his former ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, according to projections by several media.

The ex-president, already winner of the first primary in Iowa last week, is taking a further step towards his party’s nomination for the presidential election in November.

On Tuesday, Republican and independent voters in New Hampshire were called to the polls to decide who will be the Republican Party’s candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

The New Hampshire primaries, where most polling stations closed at 7 p.m., apparently saw “very strong participation” according to local authorities cited on CNN.

During his last campaign meeting Monday evening, Donald Trump once again attacked Nikki Haley, “a candidate who loses and who will put America last.” “If you want a president who puts America first every time, then vote Donald Trump,” he said. Credited with nearly 20 points ahead of Nikki Haley for this second primary, he already won hands down on January 15 in Iowa.

Ms. Haley, a former Republican governor of South Carolina, is so far rejecting pressure to step down. “In America, we have elections, not coronations,” she proclaims, appealing to voters’ spirit of independence from “political elites.” “It has always been a marathon and never a sprint,” she assured Tuesday, saying she was confident in “a good result in New Hampshire” which would allow her to stay in the race for the primary until the Super Tuesday from March 5.

“I think it’s going to be close,” also thinks Jay Matthews, a 70-year-old Republican voter we met in Plymouth.

More details will follow.

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