Donald Trump trial in Georgia | Prosecutor Fani Willis admits relationship with another prosecutor

(Washington) The prosecutor responsible for investigating the case against Donald Trump in the state of Georgia admitted Friday to having maintained a romantic relationship with a lawyer she had hired to work on this case, but denied any conflict of interest .

For the former US president, who is indicted in this southern state for illicit actions aimed at reversing the results of the 2020 election, the relationship between prosecutor Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade constitutes on the contrary sufficient reason so that the charges against him are dropped.

But, in a court document, Fani Willis considered this request to be “unfounded” and urged the judge responsible for its examination to reject it.

According to the prosecutor, there was no relationship with Nathan Wade when she recruited him in November 2021.

The latter, currently in divorce proceedings, declared in a court document that he began this relationship with Fani Willis in 2022, and claimed to have “derived no funds or personal financial gain from his role as special prosecutor”.

Donald Trump, favorite in the Republican primaries for the November presidential election, has pleaded not guilty in this Georgia case.

In a post on his Truth Social platform on Friday, the billionaire claims — in capital letters — that Fani Willis’ statement “means that this scam is completely discredited and finished.”

Fani Willis proposed in November that the trial of the ex-president and his 14 co-defendants begin on August 5, 2024, three months before the presidential election.

Four of the 19 defendants initially targeted by the indictment issued on August 14, notably under a Georgia law on organized gang crime used by the prosecutor, have already pleaded guilty. They were sentenced to reduced sentences, without prison time, in exchange for their testimony at the future trial of the other defendants.

Donald Trump also faces several federal charges for attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election, surrounding the storming of the Capitol in Washington by his supporters on January 6, 2021.

This trial was to open on March 4 in the American capital, but was delayed, notably due to a request for “immunity” invoked by Donald Trump and currently examined on appeal.

Judge Tanya Chutkan formally announced her postponement on Friday and indicated that “the court would decide on a new date” if, once the question of immunity was decided, the file returned to her hands.

The ex-president was also federally indicted in Florida, where he is accused of negligence in handling confidential documents after leaving the White House. This trial is scheduled to begin on May 20.

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