Donald Trump threatens not to defend bad payers against an attack from Russia

Campaigning for his re-election, Donald Trump once again attacks NATO. The Republican candidate raised the possibility, in the event of an attack by Russia, of no longer defending Alliance countries whose financial contribution is insufficient.


Reading time: 2 min

US President Joe Biden denounces comments “distressing and dangerous”. It was Saturday, February 10, at a campaign rally in South Carolina. As is often the case, Donald Trump reports, in a direct style, the exchange he would have had with a leader of a NATO member country when he was president. “This leader asked me: if we don’t pay, but we are attacked by Russia, will you defend us? I replied: no, I will not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever they want. IFirst you have to pay, pay your bills… And then, the money started flowing freely!

This is how Donald Trump boasts of having put pressure on the member countries of the alliance to increase their defense budget. All are supposed to devote at least 2% of their gross domestic product to it. It is true that their participation increases from year to year, but in 2022 only seven countries out of 31 will reach this amount, including obviously the United States, pillar of the group – which spends more than all the other members combined. France had not yet reached this threshold.

A green light for Vladimir Putin?

That said, it is a habit for Donald Trump to criticize NATO. On several occasions, he has already threatened to leave the alliance if he returns to the White House. But to say that he will do nothing against Russia in the event of an attack means relying on Article 5 which provides for automatic solidarity of Member States in the event of aggression. This amounts to giving a green light to Vladimir Putin.

In the United States, the Republican camp is seeking to minimize the scope of this new declaration.

Senator Marco Rubio, for example, explains that the former president never speaks “like a traditional politician“… Basically, we shouldn’t dwell on it.

Europe’s security at risk

But those mainly concerned are more worried. The NATO Secretary General denounces comments which portend difficult relations with Washington if the Republican candidate gains the White House. Words, says Jen Stoltenberg, which “undermine the security of Europe“by particularly exposing Poland and the Baltic States while the alliance is currently conducting in Norway its largest exercise since the Cold War, Steadfast Defender 2024, maneuvers intended to prepare for a high-intensity conflict on its eastern flank, whose threat is getting closer every day.

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