Donald Trump dropped by his accountants, who consider his financial documents unreliable

Last week, the Mazars Group informed the Trump Organization that it would no longer work for the company. The former president’s company is under investigation for tax evasion.

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Former Republican President Donald Trump’s accounting firm has let go of its longtime client, saying financial statements it provided for nearly a decade were unreliable, leaked court documents show. Monday February 14.

Last week, Mazars Group informed the Trump Organization in a letter that it would no longer work for the company, which is under investigation for possible tax evasion.

The document was presented in court by State Attorney Letitia James, who asked a judge to compel Donald Trump to comply with invitations to testify as part of the investigation.

Letitia James announced last month that her team had uncovered evidence of fraud, including fraudulent asset valuation.

According to Mazars, the prosecutor’s findings led her to consider Trump’s accounting from the year ending June 30, 2011 to that ending June 30, 2020. “should no longer be deemed reliable”.

The Trump Organization is suspected of overstating the value of certain properties when applying for loans from banks and undervaluing those same properties to the taxman in order to pay less tax.

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