Donald Trump could appear in a criminal trial in New York in the winter of 2024

For the former American president, this trial would be held at the time of the primaries of the Republican Party for the presidential election of November 2024.

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Former US President Donald Trump, in Aberdeen (United Kingdom), May 1, 2023. (ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP)

The judge in New York (United States) who is to organize the future historic criminal trial of Donald Trump, charged since April with fraud, asked Thursday, May 4, the prosecution and the defense of the former American president to agree on a date between February and March 2024.

>> Indictment of Donald Trump: the questions that arise after the historic appearance of the former American president

This procedural hearing of magistrate Juan Merchan, which was held at the Manhattan courthouse, means that a trial would be held at the time of the Republican party primaries for the presidential election of November 2024, for which Donald Trump is in leading the polls in his conservative camp. Once the date is fixed, all the parties, including the former president of the United States, will not be able to plan anything else, demanded the judge of the State of New York for the jurisdiction of Manhattan.

Donald Trump is charged with 34 tax accounting frauds

During an in-person appearance in Manhattan on April 4, Donald Trump was criminally charged with 34 tax accounting frauds related to payments to cover up embarrassing affairs ahead of the 2016 presidential election, including a sexual relationship with the movie actress X Stormy Daniels, which he has always denied. Such a criminal indictment is unprecedented for a President of the United States. But Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s case has been judged by lawyers and politicians alike “insignificant” legally and “risk” politically.

Donald Trump is instead accused of “false accounting documents” of his company Trump Organization by concealing these transactions in “legal fees”, in violation of New York State campaign finance laws. The former tenant of the White House, who dreams of returning there but who is surrounded by court cases, considers himself “innocent” and victim of “witch hunt” policy in this criminal case.

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