Don Juan Review | For Dance and Music

It was Thursday evening the official premiere of the new version of the musical show Don Juan20 years after its creation in Quebec. A large-scale show staged with inventiveness by Gilles Maheu, who particularly stands out for his dance segments.

It is in fact the fifteen flamenco dancers and the three musicians led by José Manuel Fernandez who are the salt of this two-act production, choreographed and staged to perfection.

The danced pictures of Don Juan are a pure delight. One even comes to wonder if this show could have done without a few songs, a bit tartignolles.

Let us recall that the story imagined by Félix Gray is inspired by the play The Burlador of Sevilleby Tirso de Molina, who created the character of Don Juan in 1616. An unrepentant seducer and a libertine of Olympic category, who later inspired Molière and Mozart.


The dance segments of Don Juan are the most catchy and moving of this production.

The action takes place in Seville, Spain, and the story that interests us begins with a duel between Don Juan (Gian Marco Schiaretti) and a commander, whom he kills after seducing his daughter. Only then, the ghost of the man appears to him after his death and casts a spell on him: he will be “condemned to love.”

There are those who would give a kidney to be subjected to such a “fate”, but for Don Juan, a serial seducer with no desire to find himself in a relationship, one might say today, it is indeed a bad omen.

Ignoring this curse, Don Juan will do what he does best: seduce and then break hearts. All this to the great displeasure of his wife Elvira (Alyzée Lalande), his best friend Don Carlos (Olivier Dion) or his father Don Luis (Robert Marien), who encourages him to change. In vain.

Then the famous spell will be accomplished, but in the least subtle way possible. Seeing a sculptor named Maria (Cindy Daniel) in the distance, our Olympic Don Juan will fall in love in the blink of an eye. Without even speaking to her. And by the greatest of coincidences, this love will be reciprocal.

As you will have understood, you have to have faith to fully enjoy this show of more than two and a half hours (with intermission).

To tell this story, there are more than 35 songs on the program (18 for each of the two acts). And even if some (pretty) pieces have become classics – we think of To change, Beautiful Andalusian, Alone Or The Flowers of Evilothers are somewhat simple romances.

“Women are more beautiful than summers… They are more beautiful than winters…” It seems to me that Don Carlos’ greatest merit in Womenfor example, was to sing this piece without bursting out laughing. That said, the audience seemed to enjoy it… Perhaps this prose is underrated.

Speaking of the actors, they all deliver a very fine performance, starting with Gian Marco Schiaretti, who took over the role of Don Juan from Jean-François Breau. The Italian actor and singer sings magnificently, in addition to moving with the ease and charisma commanded by his character.

Special mention to Philippe Berghella in his role as Raphael, Maria’s fiery lover, who will face Don Juan in a fatal duel at the end of the second act, after discovering that they were “in a relationship”. A revenge that will complete the famous fate of the commander.

Finally, a word on the projections – a new feature compared to previous productions – which allow for the addition of (virtual) set elements to those already in place, which include some very beautiful horse mounts.

With lighting by Axel Morgenthaler and scenography by Guillaume Lord, two artists who have worked with Cirque du Soleil, as well as video design by Randy Gonzalez, Don Juan is a beautiful gem that can be appreciated despite the thickness of the creaming in the songs.

Don Juan

Don Juan

Musical show by Félix Gray

At the Wilfrid-Pelletier hall of Place des Arts, in Montreal, until August 24At the Grand Théâtre de Québec from August 27 to September 8; at the Cogeco Amphitheatre in Trois-Rivières from September 11 to 14


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