Dominique Strauss-Kahn calls for “eliminating the far-right candidate”, even if it means voting for LFI “by holding one’s nose”

The former socialist minister and former director of the IMF speaks in a column published Tuesday by the magazine “Challenges”.



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Former Minister of the Economy and former head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, in Paris, September 6, 2018. (JOEL SAGET / AFP)

“You have to know how to choose your best enemy.” The former socialist minister and former director of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn, withdrawn from political life since the Sofitel affair in New York, called on Tuesday June 25 to “eliminate the far-right candidate” in the second round of legislative elections on July 7, even if it means voting LFI “by blocking one’s nose”. Din a column published by the magazine Challengesthe ex-socialist baron is sad to see the choice reduced to “a motley coalition” from the left “comprising real democrats and real totalitarians”Or “a homogeneous coalition of true totalitarians, all detestable” to the right, the center being in his eyes “unable to find a majority in the country”.

Unable to decide between the New Popular Front and the National Rally on their programs “very unbelievable” And “from whom there is nothing good to be expected”, the one who was a favorite in the 2012 presidential election before being swept away by an accusation of sexual assault in May 2011 designates, however, “without hesitation”, the extreme right like its “best enemy”because she “principlely calls into question the very foundations of the Republic”.

If Sunday “in the first round, everyone will find among the candidates the one who suits them best”July 7 “in the second round (…) the Democrats will know without hesitation how to vote: eliminate the far-right candidate”, insists Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Even “in the event of a duel between an RN candidate and an LFI candidate (…) we should not hesitate either”he adds.

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