Béatrice Zavarro denounces, in “Le Parisien”, negligence surrounding the health of her 71-year-old client. Dominique Pelicot has been experiencing health problems since last weekend.
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The so-called “Mazan rapes” trial seems seriously compromised. Béatrice Zavarro, Dominique Pelicot’s lawyer, announced to Parisian having seen his 71-year-old client in the visiting room on Saturday, September 14 in the morning. “He arrived in his pajamas, feverish, his condition is not improving. We ask that he be taken care of properly,” she tells our colleagues.
The trial was officially suspended on Thursday until Monday, pending the return of the main accused, who was absent for health reasons. The presiding judge, Roger Arata, said that an adjournment would even be considered if the retiree were “permanently unavailable”.
His lawyer denounces negligence around his health. She says she contacted the departmental order of doctors and sent an email to the director of the Pontet penitentiary center (Vaucluse), where the septuagenarian is being held, relays The Parisianspecifying that Béatrice Zavarro has also contacted the General Controller of Places of Deprivation of Liberty.
On Monday, Dominique Pelicot left the dock while he was visibly unwell and was sent back to prison, “without any treatment being given to him”the newspaper reports, while he had been complaining of pain for two days. “He was told to drink water and that it was just an infection.”his lawyer said.
He then fell ill on Tuesday, then on Wednesday morning, when he reappeared very pale in court. He was then sent to the emergency room. “He stayed there for fifteen minutes in all,” deplores his lawyer in the columns of the Parisian.
Dominique Pelicot is said to be suffering from renal colic and has suffered from this problem in the past. He is requesting hospitalization, which is also what Béatrice Zavarro wants, who says she is “very worried”. “It’s a scandal given the stakes of this hearing which mobilizes a hundred people, but also a human scandal. Whatever he has done, he has the right to be treated!” she believes.