Dominique Pelicot expected in the dock this morning, his questioning could take place as early as today

The scenario “disaster” of a long postponement of the Mazan rape trial seems to be moving away. Dominique Pelicot, the main accused, absent for a week for health reasons, should finally be present in the dock, Tuesday, September 17, before the criminal court of Vaucluse. In any case, this is what his lawyer announced the day before, specifying that he had “received a message from the president [de la cour]“. However, it will be necessary to provide for special adaptation conditions, namely: sequencing of auditions and regular rest time”Béatrice Zavarro told AFP. The interrogation of the 71-year-old retiree, accused of drugging his wife Gisèle Pelicot to rape her and have her raped by dozens of men, could take place as early as today. Follow our live coverage.

A double assessment carried out on Monday at midday. On Monday morning, Dominique Pelicot did not appear at the hearing, “referring to health issues”reported the president of the criminal court of Vaucluse, Roger Arata. He had undergone a scan on Sunday, “and he was diagnosed with a kidney stone, a bladder infection and also a prostate problem.”detailed the magistrate.

Criticism of the treatment of the main accused. Béatrice Zavarro has been denouncing all weekend the prison administration’s failures in monitoring her client’s health. Angry, at the hearing on Monday morning, she spoke of a “lamentable support”believing that he should have been hospitalized at the first signs of infection, which date back to the weekend of September 7-8.

Will Dominique Pelicot speak for the first time? The pensioner, who documented all the rapes committed against his wife in files filed on his computer, admitted the facts but has never explained himself. His testimony is also crucial for the other men, aged 26 to 74, also on trial in Avignon. Many of them claim to have thought they were coming to take part in a “libertine game” wanted by the couple.

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