Dominique Lagrou-Sempère as a couple: new revelations about her companion and the reaction of her children

She’s featured in the magazine Gala of this Thursday, April 28, 2022. Dominique Lagrou-Sempere received a journalist at her home in the West of Paris in order to indulge, in particular on her new companion of whom she had not said much until then.

In November 2019, the 48-year-old former TF1 journalist experienced one of life’s most difficult trials. Her husband Claude, who was a journalist and reporter for France 2, died of lung cancer at the age of 55. He thus left behind his wife and their children Mathilda (17) and Esteban (14). A drama that she evokes without taboo in her book After the storm, released last November by Flammarion editions. “Hard knocks give wings. Since then, I am neither quite the same, nor quite another. When you experience such painful things, you discover your true resources“, confided Dominique Lagrou-Sempère to Gala.

But the one who was the great friend of the deceased Jean-Pierre Pernaut does not want to feel sorry for himself. On the contrary, it prefers to look to the future. “There are no ruins in my life. I don’t like the word mourning Yes I cook, yes I make love, but no I don’t mourn“, she said. Speaking of love precisely, Dominique Lagrou-Sempère did not fail to say more about her new companion. If she did not wish to reveal her identity, she specified that ‘she called him “my lover” and that he did not work in the media.

A man who does not replace Claude Sempère

And good news for Dominique Lagrou-Sempère, his children Mathilda and Esteban immediately accepted the one who makes him happy on a daily basis. “I feel carried by the life force of my children. They are the ones who encouraged me to rebuild my life and they welcomed my lover very naturally. The latter is careful not to replace their dad“, continued the charming brunette.

Happy in love, Dominie Lagrou-Sempère hopes to be so soon professionally since since her departure from TF1 last January, she is still actively looking for work. She is also working on a new book.

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