Dominique A’s eco-anxiety in an album that opens a more collective “new cycle”

This is his 14th album, but for the first time so concretely, the singer allows himself to question the time, concerns about ecology in the first place. It is also a collective album, but where his voice takes pride of place: without any other instrument, Dominique A makes it heard as rarely.

However, this disc was well recorded in group, with well-established musicians in the studio, and added strings. A collective work, therefore, put in order by Yann Arnaud, to whom Dominique A has in some way abandoned himself vocally. “I had doubts about the quality of the voice recordings, recognizes the singer, and one thing led to another, he directed me, saying ‘Don’t worry about it’. It wasn’t until it was all mixed, in his expert hands, that I heard what he had done.”

The result is beautiful, bare, deep. The subject leaves no room for doubt: the burning news invites itself, for the first time at Dominique A. The state of the planet, in this case, could not be passed over in silence: “Letting the times permeate me is something that has come over the years. But I can’t see myself not talking about it, it worries me like a lot of people. And this worry contaminates the writing.”

Dominique A, during his previous tour, had performed alone on stage. Also in this respect, The real world marks a real turning point: “I consider this record as the beginning of a cycle, as a door that opened on a collective way of doing things. Positioning yourself as a ‘simple singer’ suits me perfectly.”

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