(Québec) Un prochain gouvernement libéral investirait « chaque dollar » prévu dans le troisième lien Québec-Lévis en éducation et en santé, promet Dominique Anglade. La cheffe libérale estime qu’après deux ans de pandémie, ce n’est pas d’un « trou dans le fleuve » qui pourrait coûter jusqu’à 10 milliards dont les Québécois ont besoin.
Mis à jour hier à 17h06
« Quand je parle au monde sur le terrain, nos priorités c’est notre santé, c’est notre santé à nous et à celle de nos proches, c’est notre santé mentale collective, c’est l’éducation de nos enfants. Bref, c’est tout sauf une dépense de 10 milliards pour creuser un trou dans notre fleuve », a fait valoir la cheffe de l’opposition officielle, mercredi à la fin du caucus pré-sessionnel de sa formation.
L’imposant projet de tunnel autoroutier du gouvernement Legault pourrait coûter jusqu’à 10 milliards. Québec a sollicité l’aide d’Ottawa pour financer une partie des infrastructures. Selon Mme Anglade, les fonds destinés aux infrastructures pourraient être réinvestis dans les écoles et les hôpitaux. « C’est ça que nous allons proposer et présenter plus en détail », a indiqué la cheffe libérale.
« Le message qu’on envoie c’est qu’il nous apparaît essentiel de faire un réalignement des priorités. On a besoin d’investir dans les infrastructures qui touchent directement les gens. L’ampleur de la crise [sanitaire] forces us to think about priorities and putting this money in a hole seems completely insane to us. »
She promises to propose other solutions to tackle the problem of traffic congestion in the Capitale-Nationale. His training must file a Mobility Plan for Quebec and Lévis.
“I trust the people of Quebec not to fall into Mr. Legault’s hole. It is a whim that he is proposing when we will have concrete solutions for mobility in Quebec, ”said the Liberal spokesperson for the Capitale-Nationale, Marwah Rizqy.
Health tax: Anglade fears a “breach” in access to care
The health contribution that the Legault government wishes to impose on the unvaccinated risks creating a “breach” in universal access to health care, a value at the center of our current system, fears Dominique Anglade. A few days before the start of parliament, the Liberal leader finds it difficult to see how her party could be in favor of such a measure.
The Legault government has promised to table a bill at the start of the next parliamentary session – the last before the next election – to discuss the terms of imposing a health contribution for unvaccinated Quebecers. But already, the measure is not unanimous. Few details on its application have also been released so far by the government.
“Honestly, I don’t see, a priori, how we are going to be in favor of such a measure,” launched the Liberal leader. “I’m really going to want to watch [les implications] from an ethical point of view, from a legal and efficiency point of view and above all, when we look at the values and the slippage that this could bring in relation to our universal system. »
Dominique Anglade fears that the measure will thus “open a breach on a category of individuals”, which would distance Quebec from the universality of care. “It’s an important value,” insisted the Leader of the Official Opposition. According to her, the Legault government is “diverting” and “improvising” with this proposal which will be difficult to achieve.
“These questions raise a big doubt as to the feasibility of what is proposed by the CAQ government,” added Ms.me England.
According to several recent surveys, this health contribution that will be required of unvaccinated people is quite popular. It rallies 65% of respondents to a CROP-The Press published on January 21. The contribution has still not been quantified by the government. The group of Quebec Doctors for the Public Regime rejected the announcement of a “contribution” for unvaccinated adults.