Domestic violence Providing support to women who want to flee is essential

It is well established that leaving a violent spouse is not only difficult, but can also be extremely dangerous. Beyond the fear of the partner’s reaction, many factors can lead a woman not to leave him: insufficient financial resources or economic dependence, low self-esteem, fear of being judged or disowned by those close to her. and her community, physical and economic dependence for women with disabilities, immigration status linked to that of the spouse, etc.

All these elements contribute to further isolate these women, and very often deprive them of an escape from violence.

Thus, helping women flee violence is far from being limited to providing them with shelter and emergency services, even if these are essential. The collective response to domestic violence is plural. It must take into account the multidimensional needs of women, and more specifically of women in situations of social vulnerability, who often find themselves at the crossroads of several forms of oppression. Offering adequate support to all women is essential, in order to (re) give them the means and the capacity to act.

Community resources needed

Women who are victims of domestic violence need several resources from the community movement in their journey out of an abusive relationship. This is true for those who receive accompaniment from the houses as well as for those, numerous, who deal with violence on a daily basis, in the shadows and in silence, without having recourse to specialized resources.

On the other hand, all of them ask to be able to benefit from different forms of support: to find housing, assert their rights, obtain food aid and basic necessities, find a job commensurate with their skills, complete the procedures for immigration, or break isolation.

The organizations on whose doors they knock are all salutary avenues, which become a way out to allow them to escape violence, at their own pace. Here a center for women, where they will rebuild their self-esteem through contact with other women; here an employment assistance organization that will allow them to obtain a decent salary, an essential lever for their autonomy; there a youth center or a youth service organization that will provide respite for mothers and support for children and adolescents; again a mental health organization that will allow women to put words to the psychological wounds caused by violence. The bond of trust that they develop with the workers will become, who knows, the spark plug for daring to ask for help. And the organization will be there to refer them to specialized resources such as shelters and shelters.

An essential involvement

Each of these supports is valuable because they help remove obstacles, one at a time. They will not make headlines for having “saved” women and their children, but they certainly participate in reducing socio-economic inequalities, ensuring respect for rights and maintaining the health and safety of these women.

After two years of pandemic, which have further weakened women, we desperately need this safety net that the community environment represents. We need it to be recognized and funded at its fair value. To renounce it is to renounce guaranteeing all rights. Because “the realization of a right is intimately linked to that of other rights”. And conversely, “setbacks in the realization of a right will have negative consequences for that of other rights”, reminds us of the League of Rights and Freedoms.

We, workers in shelters and shelters, members of the Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victims de violence conjugale, would like to salute the colossal and indispensable work of our community partners, across the province. Quebec owes a lot to independent community action, and we are proud to contribute to it day after day.

Grouping of shelters for women victims of domestic violence and its 44 member shelters:

The Other Roof of the KRTB


La Gigogne

Friendship Inn

The Room

Rescue Center

The House The Climb

Quebec Women’s House

House for immigrant women

The Roof of Friendship

The Nacelle House

The Regional Buoy

The Meridian

Horizon for Her

Support for women

Women’s Relief House

House of Comfort


West Island Women’s Shelter

Two Valleys Shelter For Women

United-Towards-Women House

alternative for them

The nest

L’equinoxe lodging house

Mikana House

Her Friend’s House

Baie-Comeau Women’s Center

Autour d’Elles, help and accommodation center

The lull

Women’s Haven

Haven L’Eclaircie

The Gite

The Junction for her

Lina’s house

Esther House

House The Prelude

Reception center La Traverse

The Shadow-She

Ariadne’s House

The Passe-R-Elle of the Upper Laurentians

The Citad’Elle of Lachute

The key on the door

The Re-Source

Hina House

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