In public transport, 1,049 fewer incidents of violence were recorded in 2023 compared to 2022, six months before the Olympic Games.
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Domestic violence is still on the rise in Paris and the inner suburbs in 2023, the police headquarters announced on Saturday January 13. They increased by 4% compared to 2022, but by “less frank manner than in previous years”, underlines the prefecture. Non-criminal physical violence is up 3.9% in the metropolitan area, which includes Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis, Hauts-de-Seine and Val-de-Marne. But this violence is experiencing “continuous decline since summer 2023”assures the police headquarters, which hopes for a “improvement coming in 2024”.
Pickpocketing and violence in transport, for their part, are falling (-20.8%), six months before the Olympic Games. In public transport, 1,049 fewer incidents of violence were recorded in 2023 compared to 2022. “Police presence” has been there “enhanced”in “targeting the most criminogenic stations and stations”specifies the police headquarters, which recalls that 700 patrols per day will be deployed in transport during the Olympics, compared to 125 per day currently.
Property attacks on the decline overall
Burglaries committed in the urban area remain “stable” (+0.6%). But thefts from homes are on the rise. “notable drop” (-3.5%), depending on the prefecture. Armed robberies are also down (-13.5%), as are pick-pocketings (-3.4%) and vehicle thefts (-7.3% in the metropolitan area, -18 % in Paris).
Property crimes, which include violent thefts (-17.3%) or pickpocketing (-3.4%), are generally in decline. This decrease is due to a strengthening of the “visible and dissuasive presence” of the police, ensures the police headquarters, particularly in areas “priority” such as the Eiffel Tower sector, where the decline in property crimes is decreasing “drastically” (-30 %). The district of Paris’ most emblematic monument has, however, experienced several cases of rape in recent months and an attack committed not far from there, on December 2, by a radicalized Islamist who killed a German-Filipino tourist and injured two other people.