Doliprane out of stock



France 2

Article written by

R. Moquillon, A. Grenier-Comard – France 2

France Televisions

Due to an increase in demand, Doliprane stocks are decreasing. Blame it on a rebound in the epidemic linked to the Omicron variant and winter diseases.

In a pharmacy, on a shelf, there are still a few yellow boxes of Doliprane. However, they are becoming increasingly rare in pharmacies, even to the point that a shortage is feared. Composed of Paracetamol, this painkiller is among the best-selling in the world. In France, in 2021, sales increased by 7.2%, to reach more than one billion euros. Problem: the Sanofi laboratory, the main manufacturer of the drug, is no longer able to meet this strong demand.

Blame it on a rebound in the epidemic linked to the Omicron variant and winter diseases, which are particularly present this year. Only the Doliprane brand is affected by this shortage. Orders should be limited to 720 units per pharmacy, according to the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France. A return to normal is envisaged by next summer.

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