dogs, cats, fish… How much does it cost?


Video length: 1 min

Animals: dogs, cats, fish… How much does it cost?

Animals: dogs, cats, fish… How much does it cost? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – E. Truchat, E. Fromentin

France Televisions

France today has 80 million pets. While they are a source of love, entertainment and comfort, it takes an increasingly larger budget to care for them.

There are more and more pets: 80 million in France. There are 14 million cats and 8 million dogs, but first place on the podium goes to the 32 million fish. Since Covid, households have been pampering their animals more, a source of comfort, and this is boosting sales. The pet products sector is worth 6 billion euros. First item of expenditure, food, more and more often organic: more than 550 euros per year on average.

What to choose ?

Faced with soaring food prices, households have slightly slowed down the purchase of accessories. Second item of expenditure, health. Veterinary and medical care costs 1,000 euros per year. 10% of owners have already chosen health insurance for their cats and dogs. It costs them on average between 20 and 25 euros per month, and covers accidents and illnesses. Dog or cat, if you have to choose, the cat costs less than a dog when it is very small, before it reverses in adulthood.

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