dogs also suffer from heat




Article written by

France 3 Côte d’Azur: E. Patricio, Y. Fournigault, L. Buyse – France 3

France Televisions

Pets also suffer from the heat wave. So, to avoid heatstroke and visits to the veterinarian, some advice seems essential.

A dog, Vanille, put on shoes for the first time. With the high heatthe bitumen could burn its bearings. Its owner prefers to guard against cracks, burns and infections. Another female dog suffers from a pathology that the veterinarian knows well: macerations. In this heat wave, he sees it daily. They occur mainly in the folds of the skin.

For animals, vomiting, diarrhea and severe fatigue are the alarming signs of heat stroke. To avoid this, you have to fill the bowl with water at will. nothing helps of clipping a dog requires removing the undercoat. It is the débourrage. The coat protects against heat. However, shampoos should not be done more than once a week. Sunscreen on the tip of the nose can even be added.

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