Doesn’t Emmanuel Macron risk making the same mistakes with the right as during the pension reform?

Emmanuel Macron therefore wants a new law on immigration. This is a subject that could well jeopardize the cohesion of the majority… The editorial by Renaud Dély.

New pitfall in sight for Emmanuel Macron. The pension reform has not yet been digested, the anger of a fringe of public opinion has not yet been appeased, and the Head of State is already drawing a new explosive subject: immigration, with an amended bill which could be debated in Parliament in the autumn.


The Prime Minister will specify the timetable in a few days. An explosive text, therefore, and first of all for the majority. Since 2017, immigration has been a theme that often turns into a puzzle for macronists. Probably because the leader’s catechism is quite fluctuating. On this subject, Emmanuel Macron has moved a lot. Before entering the Élysée, he applauded Angela Merkel’s generous reception policy. As president, he took much firmer positions.

Who will support this text?

And his majority only partly followed him. In the Assembly, the center of gravity of the Renaissance group leans more to the right than during the previous legislature. But a fringe of deputies remains allergic to the repressive accents of the Minister of the Interior. This is why the initial text is meant to be “balance“. Problem: to find a majority, the government will have to look for reinforcements on the right. And no doubt toughen up its text. The scope of the residence permit for “jobs in tension” risk of shrinking.

According to a senior official of the majority, it could be reserved for highly qualified foreigners, on the model of the Canadian welders that EDF uses for its nuclear reactors, rather than the undocumented immigrants who wash dishes in restaurants. It would therefore only concern a handful of beneficiaries. The deportation procedures would be accelerated and the remedies limited a little more.

Proposals to seduce the right, then? Nothing guarantees it. Immigration is Eric Ciotti’s hobbyhorse. He will not hesitate to go one better to restore his health with his troops. For example by attacking state medical aid. In fact, on the executive side, they want to put the right against the wall and take public opinion to witness. Running after LR at the risk of not getting his support, and causing trouble in the majority, does that remind you of anything? This is exactly what the government has just done on the pension file.

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