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A study commissioned by the gendarmerie highlights a very relative effectiveness of video surveillance against offenses and crimes. Decryption with Alexandre Hébert, in the 23h de franceinfo, Wednesday December 22.
The gendarmerie ordered an investigation into the effectiveness of CCTV cameras in the fight against offenses. “The study took into account several types of crimes: violence, burglaries, drug trafficking, explains the journalist of France Télévisions, Alexandre Hébert. Out of 1,939 investigations, only 22 were elucidated by video surveillance, or 1.13% of investigations. “
Certain types of crime are more likely to be solved by these means: 7.5% for attacks on vehicles, 5.7% for cases of violence. “According to the study, this is due to very long procedures, because investigators have to retrieve the images from many private operators. Sometimes the images are already deleted or unusable”, continues the journalist. But video surveillance did identify Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the mastermind of the November 13 attacks, in the Paris metro. This study was carried out in the gendarmerie zone on a limited number of cases, others will follow, in the police zone in particular.