does the Wagner military society recruit from prisons?



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To cope with the many losses in Ukraine, Russia would call on its prisoners. In exchange for their engagement in the Wagner society, they would obtain a remission.

Russian prisoners have a choice: either they serve their sentence or they join the private military company Wagner to fight in Ukraine. The ideal profile are professional killers. In exchange for six months in the assault infantry, the recruiter promises total amnesty. They are prohibited from surrendering, looting or selling alcohol.

“Before, you should know that Wagner did not recruit in prison, they also had the rule of asking for criminal records. maximum possible subscription”, indicates Alexandra Jousset, co-director of “Wagner, the army of the shadow”. The recruiter is Yevgueni Prigojine, a Russian oligarch nicknamed Putin’s cook. He was already suspected of being a Wagner recruiter. According to an independent Russian newspaper, Wagner’s recruiters have already visited 17 prisons in Russia.

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