Winner of the European elections and favorite of the legislative elections, the National Rally has never ruled France. Beyond elected officials, will the movement led by Jordan Bardella be able to count on enough experienced personnel in the senior public service?
Reading time: 2 mins

The National Rally is the favorite in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 and Jordan Bardella repeats that he is “ready to govern the country”. Does it really have the human resources to do it? This is a question that worries even within the RN. The Bardella-Le Pen tandem demanded the dissolution of the National Assembly, but neither believed in it. The RN leadership was taken by surprise. It is true that it had already listed the vast majority of its candidates for the 577 constituencies. For the rest, nothing is ready. By definition, the RN has no experience in the management of national affairs, no culture of government. An asset to flirt with the voter in the mode: “You’ve never tried us…”
It is also a serious handicap when taking over the management of the State. It is also to compensate for this lack of skills that the Lepéniste party is frantically courting LR executives and elected officials. For the moment in vain since only or almost only Éric Ciotti has joined.
The RN already claims the support of certain senior officials, grouped in the Horaces committee, around thirty anonymous members, sometimes former right-wing ministerial cabinets or large companies. The party is staging a supposedly massive and recent movement, but the presence of senior officials on the far right is nothing new. There have always been enarques among the leaders of the FN. In the 80s and 90s, this was the case for Yvan Blot or Jean-Yves Le Gallou. Bruno Mégret was a polytechnician. Later, Florian Phillipot and Christophe Bay, who led Marine Le Pen’s last presidential campaign, were both also enarques. To compensate for the lack of human resources, the RN also founded two years ago a management school entrusted to the former pollster Jérôme Sainte-Marie, joined by Marine Le Pen. But for now, the work, which is rather meager, is mainly limited to documentation accessible on the website. In fact, due to a lack of experienced personnel, the RN is banking mainly on the effect of its coming to power. He wants to believe that the senior civil service will change and serve the new power without hesitation. A wish which also illustrates a fundamental contradiction.
The Lepenist party has for decades denounced the technocrats who have ruined the country. And he displays them as formidable war prizes as soon as he recovers one. Basically, for the RN, enarque is a bit like cholesterol, there is the good one, which is devoted to it, and then the bad one.