Does the epidemic threaten French holiday meals?




Article written by

L. Legendre-Trousset, T. Souman, P.Lagaune, C. La Rocca, JA.Balcells, M.Kassou – France 2

France Televisions

Due to the fifth wave of Covid-19, the executive recommends restricting contacts as the end of the year holidays approach. How do the French see their future family reunions?

For the second time, the Covid-19 is invited to the French Christmas Eve table and threatens to play the spoilsport. So small committee or large table? Some prefer to focus on security. “We will be very few because my husband is diabetic so we don’t want to take any risks”, testifies a passerby. This year for now, there are no official instructions or travel restrictions.

But on the New Year’s Eve menu there are vaccine reminders, tests and respect for barrier gestures, for some resigned French people. “We are going to hide and we will try to keep a little distance. There will be no kisses for Christmas”, explains a woman. Precautions need to be taken, but it’s hard for optimists to resist the year-end outpouring. To put the odds on your side, it is advisable to limit your contacts to ten days before waking up.


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