does shopping in France cost more?


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The journalist François Beaudonnet is present Thursday, December 9 on the 12/13 plateau. In order to assess purchasing power, he compares the price of a shopping cart between France and its European neighbors.

THEhe question of purchasing power is on everyone’s lips right now. the journalist François Beaudonnet, present Thursday, December 9 on the 12/13 set, had fun doing a little European comparison. In his basket, everyday foods: eggs, butter, salad. In France, the basket costs 15 euros. On the other hand, for the same basket in Switzerland, it will cost 25 euros, more than 60% more expensive. Conversely in Greece, the basket will cost only 11.50 euros.

Other elements must be taken into account to assess purchasing power, such as the cost of living and salaries. In Europe, there are three groups of countries: those with the lowest purchasing power, the countries of southern and eastern Europe. Then, countries with intermediate purchasing power, including France, with 20,662 euros per person per year. Finally, countries where purchasing power is very high: the European champion is Luxembourg, with more than 35,000 euros per person per year.

How is France evolving? “France is losing ground compared to its neighbors: we were 9th European country in 2013, we have been 15th country for two years in terms of purchasing power, so we have lost six places”, concludes the journalist.


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