Around Ersin Leibowitch, the informed debate the news of Friday, September 6, 2024.
Reading time: 55 min

The themes
Will Michel Barnier have complete freedom? Will Emmanuel Macron let him do what he wants?
For his new governmenthe does not forbid himself “to bring together around the table people who have skills, people from the left, there are good ideas everywhere.“
Michel Barnier is willing “to open the debate on the improvement of the pension law for the most vulnerable people“ and he will do it”with social partners.“
The new Prime Minister wants “control migratory flows with concrete measures.“
The guests
Aurore Marvaldeputy editor-in-chief of the website
Veronique Reille-SoultBackbone consulting
Tam Tran Huypolitical journalist Public Sénat
Henri Vernetjournalist and deputy editor-in-chief at Parisian