Does Emmanuel Macron adopt the proposals of the Citizen’s Climate Convention?



Article written by

L. Beaujour, T. Baïetta, H. Desmarest – franceinfo

France Televisions

While in 2019, citizens were drawn by lot to submit proposals to the government, Emmanuel Macron announces that 146 of the 150 submitted have been accepted. But with a few changes, it would seem.

In a video, Emmanuel Macron answers Internet users’ questions about ecology: “‘Bonpote’ on Instagram, who writes to me ‘When are you going to apply the measures proposed by the Citizen’s Climate Convention and respect your word?’. So, on the Citizen’s Climate Convention, there were 150 proposals, we said yes to 146 and we are moving forward”. The Citizens’ Convention for the Climate consists of citizens drawn by lot who met in 2019 to propose measures against global warming. Emmanuel Macron had promised to put their proposals to the vote, without filter. So was this really the case? Not in the opinion of the citizens who made these proposals. Asked about the resumption of their measures, they gave the government a score of 2.5 out of 10. And according to the calculations of franceinfo, among the proposals included, for example, in the climate and resilience bill, only 22% of the measures have been taken over in full. The vast majority of proposals have been truncated or watered down. Their scope has been reduced or their deadlines extended.

This is what we see with this specific example, given by Emmanuel Macron,: “The abolition of domestic flights, when the same train journey exists and it lasts less than 2h30, it’s done”. The participants in the Convention were in fact proposing to prohibit journeys that could be made in less than four hours by train. The cursor has therefore been lowered to 2:30 by the government, which greatly changes its scope. According to the High Council for the Climate, less than 2h30 by train, this concerns eight connections which in 2019 represented only 10% of traffic. Today, this ban has still not come into force. It is blocked at European level. So when Emmanuel Macron says he has said yes to 146 proposals out of 150, many of these proposals have in fact been largely watered down compared to the demands made during the Citizens’ Climate Convention.

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