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In the aftermath of the debate between the two rounds, the IPSOS poll of the Thursday April 21 gives Emmanuel 57.5% of the voting intentions in the second round, and 42.5% to Marine Le Pen. Has the debate changed the numbers?
The debate between the two rounds, Wednesday April 20, was less tense than in 2017. Eight themes were discussed during the evening and gave rise to friction. “We see that the way of understanding the subjects, somewhere, reflects these two Frances”analyzes Jérôme Fourquet, political scientist. “On all these themes, it was Emmanuel Macron who reinforced his presidential position. Marine Le Pen, what she reinforced was rather her image of proximity to the most precarious population in the country”nuance Brice Teinturier, deputy director general of the IPSOS institute.
Marine Le Pen played the card of maturity, and proximity, Emmanuel Macron tried to reach out to left-wing voters. “It seems to me that around certain themes, in particular the environment, then on the question of the veil, that Emmanuel Macron was able to send some signals to left-wing voters. But to say that he will reinforce or bring other voters who voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it is absolutely not certain”, continues Brice Teinturier. Jérôme Fourquet, for his part, evokes “a war of position” candidates.