Thirty years after the publication of the report A Quebec crazy about its children, it’s time to take stock. A documentary series takes stock, including courses of action, with a view to continuing to cultivate this benevolent madness.
Posted at 10:00 a.m.
Because if the progress is numerous, the achievements “enormous” (in particular the setting up of a network of CPEs, it should be remembered), many challenges remain (two words: DPJ and Granby). Hence the question, asked repeatedly by the psychologist and author of the famous report, Camil Bouchard, at the start of each episode: “Are we really doing enough? Obviously not. But the solutions are not lacking.
This is also where the main interest of this series lies, A Quebec always crazy about its children?, produced by Vanessa Boisset and broadcast this Monday on the airwaves of Savoir media (right for the International Day of Education, this is no coincidence). Because through these 6 episodes of 30 minutes (which summarize and dissect, with expert analysis in support, the 53 recommendations of the 1991 report) emerge several challenges, or “next steps” and other “major projects”, to which now we have to attack. A thinly disguised call to action.
Warning: do not believe that this is a dry series. You have it all wrong. Because the montage marries analyzes and testimonies, which skilfully illustrate (and lighten) the subject.
Words from parents, of course (in particular from homoparental, blended or immigrant families, because it must be said, Quebec families have changed drastically in 30 years!), but especially from children (smiles and grimaces as a bonus, arch-entertaining) of all ages, both touching, crunchy and disconcertingly lucid.
This is one of the great prides of the director. “It was important for me to keep this spirit of the report: rigor, without falling into either sensationalism or platitudes. And at the same time, for me, it was out of the question to do this series without giving a place to children. It was self-evident, in the spirit of the report too,” explains Vanessa Boisset.
For a Quebec crazy about its teachers
Let’s talk about the report: what is the assessment? “Half-fig, half-grape”, responds in an interview, and in his soft voice, the main interested party, Camil Bouchard. “We had a lot of recommendations, and a lot of expectations. As for the successes, he cites the reduction in poverty (admittedly more “discreet” than the creation of CPEs, but no less “spectacular”), among other things through various tax measures. On the side of the challenges that remain (or have since appeared), Camil Bouchard does not need to be asked: “If I had to write a new report for a Quebec crazy about its children, I would write a whole chapter on the support to be given to teachers and their mission”, he says, pointing out that in Korea or Finland, teachers are perceived as true “national heroes”. “We don’t have this kind of reverence for our teachers,” he laments. So today, I would cry out for us to be crazy about our teachers! »
He would propose, in addition to attacking dropout rates (“not students, but teachers!”), to put an end to this system of three-tier schools (public, private and with special vocations), which does not work.
Second “construction site” that he would put forward: “I would be intransigent in terms of prevention, for the most vulnerable families” (prevention unfortunately being the “poor relation” of the Ministry of Health and Social Services).
Third issue: the issue of family-work balance. Because it is one of the big challenges of the hour, he says: the lack of time for families. “And that has a direct effect on the quality of parent-child relationships. Believe it or not, but 30 years ago, the question, for lack of childcare services, in particular, was not even on the agenda. That is to say we have come a long way.
A Quebec always crazy about its children?, a documentary series directed by Vanessa Boisset and produced by Téléfiction, is presented from this Monday on Savoir media.