Documentary on Netflix | The monarchy accused of lies by Harry and Meghan

(London) Prince Harry and his wife Meghan say they were used to “feed the wolves” and blame the royal family for “lying to protect” Prince William, heir to the throne, in a trailer for the latest episodes of the documentary dedicated to them on Netflix.

In the first episodes of the docuseries Harry & Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex mainly focused on media harassment and spoke of the “unconscious biases” of royalty in terms of racism. But the rest of the series, broadcast on Thursday, promises to be more explosive for the royal family because the youngest son of King Charles III and his American and mixed-race wife must tell their version of their sensational departure from the monarchy in 2020.

“I wasn’t just thrown to the wolves, I was used to feed the wolves,” Meghan Markle says in a trailer for those episodes.

“They find it normal to lie to protect my brother but were not ready to tell the truth to protect us,” Harry said of his eldest son William, heir to the British crown.

The broadcast of the first episodes did not bring a shattering revelation as some feared, and as had been the case in 2021 with the couple’s interview on American television, marked by accusations of racism.

With criticisms of lack of support and portraying the British monarchy and the union of Commonwealth states as outdated and imperialistic institutions, she nevertheless revived in the United Kingdom, where Harry and Meghan are very unpopular, the accusations of hypocrisy on their part, arrangements with the truth and lack of respect for the institution three months after the death of Elizabeth II and the accession to the throne of Charles III.

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