Doctor Jimmy Mohamed presents for the first time, his half? This photo in Algeria that says a lot!

Author of books, TV columnist, general practitioner and influencer on social networks where he is used to sharing popular videos on the theme of health: Jimmy Mohamed has not been idle for several years! And it’s not about to stop: from the start of the school year, the father of the family will present a new health column every weekend on RTL Morning… But before a September full of projects, former columnist Do not touch My TV seems for the moment to be resting with his family on the occasion of a well-deserved vacation on the other side of the Mediterranean.

A little corner of paradise in Algeria

As proof, this Tuesday, July 18, 2023, via his Instagram story, Jimmy Mohamed shared his geolocation. So, the million subscribers of the doctor could see that the latter was on vacation in Algeria, and more precisely in the wilaya of Aïn Témouchent where he spent time at the beach of “La Guitare”, a little corner of paradise which he did not enjoy alone…

And for good reason, after having shared a video of his afternoon at the beach, later during the same day, Jimmy Mohamed revealed a snapshot in the company of the one who could be his half: “With the one who is with me behind the scenes and in life”, he indeed wrote in the caption of this sublime photo for two.

See also: “I will miss the oxygen”: Faced with Julia Vignali, Pascal Obispo confides in his state of health!

“We have been married for 10 years”

Discreet about his private life, in April 2023, Jimmy Mohamed had however entrusted as rarely on his couple. Indeed, thehe father of three young boys had confided in the show At Jordan’s (C8) that he had been married “for 10 years” to a midwife.

An interview with Jordan De Luxe in which the medical professional indicated that his family life was a high priority: “In the morning, I prepare breakfast for my children, I dress them and I take them to school as soon as I can. In the evening, I am there for dinner, going to bed and doing homework. end, I am also available for my family”he explained… It now remains to be seen whether the charming woman who accompanies him in this photo unveiled on Tuesday July 18, 2023 is his wife or not…


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