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Guests on the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo Friday March 4, Pierre Verluise, doctor in geopolitics, director of the site, and Guillaume Lasconjarias, military historian and former researcher at NATO, decipher the very tense situation in Zaporijia in Ukraine .
Clashes took place in the city of Zaporizhia (Ukraine) on Friday 4 March. The nuclear plant notably caught fire for a time before the fire was brought under control. On the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo, Guillaume Lasconjarias, military historian and former researcher at NATO, explains that “in the cartography of Ukraine, and in the role that this city plays, it is a crossing point, it is one of the last logistical axes which also makes it possible to supply the troops who are in the Donbass and which allows ‘put additional pressure on the Ukrainian forces perhaps forcing them to make the choice to either retreat or stay and perhaps be sacrificed’he analyzes.
By being in control of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, Russia has passed a new stage in the war in Ukraine. “It is for us a form of entry into a new reality that we wanted to ignore, it is that history remains tragic. There is in the space of geographical Europe a State which is capable of playing with nuclear fire in a way, let’s face it, unexpected”worries Pierre Verluise, doctor in geopolitics, director of the site