Doctolib scandal: radical decision against Irène Grosjean, accused of touching minors

An essential site for making medical appointments, Doctolib had to take a radical decision in the face of the scandal created by profiles linked to the naturopath Irène Grosjean. The group suspended 17 and engaged “background work“with the site’s medical committee, the orders and health professionals, after virulent criticism aimed at the presence on the platform of naturopaths, a discipline without medical basis. “Measures will be taken shortly. Several options are on the table, we are not ruling anything out“, added the platform to AFP.

On social networks, health professionals and patients criticize the group for allowing its users to make appointments with naturopaths, some of whom have dangerous practices, close to quackery, and sectarian aberrations. Naturopathy is a practice that claims to maintain the body in good health through a set of “natural” methods, but which has no proven scientific or medical basis.

Doctolib’s criticisms have notably targeted naturopaths claiming to be Thierry Casasnovas and Irène Grosjean, two influential personalities in the naturopathic milieu but with discredited positions in the world of health. Aged 92, Irène Grosjean was known because of a food habit that she claims, raw food, but not only. She is at the heart of the scandal because of the promotion of sexual touching to treat young children.

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