Doc Gyneco: His famous famous ex got into a relationship with … one of his best friends!

It was THE couple that no one expected to see together and yet! Between Doc Gynéco and the author Christine Angot, former columnist of the show We are not in bed presented by Laurent Ruquier, it sparked. For several months, the artist and the writer rubbed shoulders despite the two worlds that oppose them. until the end of their relationship.

Despite the intensity of this romance, it ended. Doc Gynéco briefly returned to their story on the set of Hello earthlings in 2018. In full promotion of a new album with the group Sector A, the interpreter of the title Nirvana had dropped a bomb to Thierry Ardisson concerning the private life of his ex-girlfriend at the time.

On the set, not everyone seemed to understand who Christine Angot was. Bruno Beausir, of his real name, had then made short with his comrades by going straight to the point so that they put a face to the name: “No, but in fact it’s Charly’s girl. Because she’s actually dating one of my best friends.“This famous friend is none other than Charly Clovis, a Martinican musician with whom Doc Gynéco collaborated on A natural manhis 5th album.

The latest news, Christine Angot and Charly Clovis are still together, not without facing some difficulties. In 2013, the ex-girlfriend of Charly Clovis filed a complaint against Christine Angot and Flammarion, editor of The Little ones, novel by the author, for invasion of privacy. A trial at the end of which the ex-columnist was forced to pay 40,000 euros in damages to the complainant.

Accustomed to talking about the people she met in her books, Christine Angot had mentioned her passionate parenthesis with Doc Gyneco in The Lovers Market published in 2008. It notably described one of their sexual relations at the time. Lines far from offending the main interested party. On the contrary : “I felt like I was opening a door and seeing myself making love! I didn’t expect such a… immodest description. I am very flattered. I would like to thank her for introducing me, even modestly, to French literature. I do not yet take the full measure of this gift she gave me.“A curious gift that has the merit of having made someone happy!

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