Doc Gyneco announces huge news that makes the web shiver!

Nostalgia, nostalgia when you hold us!

Doc Gyneco revived memories this Sunday, April 16, 2023. The former columnist ofDo not touch My TV does not celebrate his birthday (he will be 49 on May 10, editor’s note) but that of his first album, First Consultation. This opus will allow Bruno Beausir to become known to the general public. His disc carried by titles such as Born here, Stepover, Nirvana or In my street has sold over a million copies.

On his social networks, the interpreter ofstory of a guy posted the photo of the cover of this album as iconic as classic. “‘First consultation’ celebrates its 27th anniversary on April 15
Soon a new album of quality, it is promised”, he wrote in the caption. Words and a cliche that had the effect of igniting the web. Several fans shared very positive opinions about what they consider to be a “masterpiece!

“A timeless masterpiece, even if there are a lot of references to the 80s and 90s that would surely not be understood by a young person today”, “The album that I have listened to the most in my life . Even now.”, “I admit that it’s REALLY one of the French albums of my adolescence”, “One of the best albums I’ve listened to in my top 3 clear and clean”, “An album that I listened to again 2 days ago”, “In my top 3 albums I’ve listened to”, “My very 1st rap album”, “A masterpiece”, “I was appalled, I still remember it”, “Since my parents m listened to this album, I don’t get tired of it anymore”, “all our youth”, “We can’t wait for that!”, “Classic album nothing to throw away from the first to the last masterclass title”could we read in the comments.

For 20 years of First Consultation, in 2016, he toured France and French-speaking countries. Doc Gyneco had twice filled the Olympia and a Zenith in record time.

See also: Rediscover incredible images of the arrest of Doc Gyneco!


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