“Do you want to play instability?”, Launches Clément Beaune to LR deputies


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The Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, denounces this Monday on franceinfo the attitude of certain LR deputies who plan to vote for the motion of censure against the government.

“Do you want to add difficulty to difficulty? Do you want to play instability?”, launches to LR deputies, Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate for Transport, on franceinfo Monday March 20, 2023, while the future of pension reform is being played out this Monday with the vote of two motions of censure in the National Assembly. It is “Too bad that some prefer to be mavericks than politicians”he regrets.

In the line of sight of the minister, in particular certain LR deputies, “including Aurélien Pradié”who have “abandoned all form of coherence”. According to him, the deputy of Lot “wants to do a form of popularity campaign, to put oneself forward” while some of his demands have been “heard by the government and supported by others in his party” such as measures concerning long careers.

Clément Beaune “200%” behind the Prime Minister

“I don’t come from the Republicans, I don’t come from the Republican right, but I am very concerned when I see some within this right, which has a tradition of government and responsibility, judged solely on personal criteria these days. political decisions”tackles the minister specifying that the motions voted on Monday “are not only a choice on pensions”. The question is to know “if you want to overthrow a government, go to elections or a period of instability” warns Clément Beaune, putting the deputies face to face with their senses “stability and responsibility”.

According to Clément Beaune, these motions will not pass. However, he insisted on recalling his wish to see Elisabeth Borne “continue to lead the government”. According to him, the Prime Minister is not weakened. “I wish she would stay, she can and should stay”he added several times, stressing that it is “a woman of public service, commitment and determination”. “She is a politician, a political leader who we need in the months to come at the head of the government of France”he concluded, specifying that he is at “200%” behind her.

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