Do you live in the capital and have chosen to leave the city during the Games? tell us

A little over a month before the Olympic Games which will take place from July 26 to August 11, many Ile-de-France residents are considering fleeing the capital. Franceinfo wants to give them a voice.


Reading time: 1 min

Passers-by heading towards the metro station "Concord"on metro line 12, which will be closed during the Olympic Games in Paris, May 11, 2024. (ALEXANDRA BREZNAY / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

An international celebration that is not to the taste of all Parisians. A little over a month before the Olympic Games which will take place from July 26 to August 11, it sometimes seems impossible for Ile-de-France residents to plan their summer without taking this global event into account. While some are delighted to be at the forefront of historic sporting competitions, others take a dim view of the arrival of more than 15 million people in the capital, as anticipated by the Paris Tourist Office.

If you are part of this second category and you are planning to leave the capital to escape the Games, your testimony interests us. Fear of crowds or traffic restrictions, fear of a heatwave, transport problems, or insecurity… Come and explain to us the reasons that push you to opt for a temporary exodus. You can respond to us in the form below.

Your responses will be consulted in the coming days by our journalists. They will remain confidential, no publication concerning you will take place without your consent. The testimonies that catch our attention will result in direct contact.

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