Do you know “La Cabane aux Poulets” On the market of Orthez Tuesday / Saturday Billere Sunday morning

Jérôme Cassiau-Haurie passed his CAP at the Lycée hôtelier de Morlaàs (his son Nicolas has just entered it), then apprenticed at Chez Olive in Pau, an institution, then Paris at the Hôtel de Crillon, it’s Christian Constant at the era that welcomes him into his brigade. Then several experiences on cruise ships. It was his mother who prepared the Sunday chicken, in Biron in the family home.

The roast chickens of La Cabane aux Poulets are free-range. Jérôme gets his supplies in the Landes.

Tuesday and Sunday morning in Orthez Jerome offers us chickens of course but also quails, suckling pig, pork loin, braised ham everything is delicious. You can order homemade paella there too, just like the piperade. The atmosphere in Billere on Sunday mornings on Place François Mitterrand is a little different with the same proposals of course and the roast chicken and its small homemade potatoes are a must!

To reserve and place orders roast chickens, suckling pig, quails and pork loins. Caterer for communities or private events. Paella specialty

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