Do you have memory problems? One of these 4 habits could be at fault…

These 4 bad habits could be damaging your brain health, according to Cambridge University’s Miriam Ferrer, the ‘Daily Mail’ reported.

1) Junk food

Fried foods tend to contain a large amount of oxidized fat. According to the expert, these fats can lead to oxidative stress and inflammation. These two elements are associated with several neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Also, if you consume a lot of sugar on a daily basis, it could affect your mood, memory, and behavior.

2) A lack of sun

Sunlight allows our body to produce vitamin D. The latter plays an important role in our brain.

“Although it is not known exactly how vitamin D protects the brain, researchers believe that it may do so in part by protecting brain cells against free radicals (thereby preventing oxidative stress and inflammation) and by having an opposite effect to that of cortisol (the stress hormone) – high levels of cortisol and stress are associated with a higher risk of neurodegenerative disorders,” explains the specialist.

3) No physical activity

Not moving during the day is not only bad for your physical health, but also for your memory.

Even a 30-minute walk can do wonders, improving your blood circulation in your body and in your brain.

“Good blood circulation in the brain means that brain cells will receive more oxygen and nutrients. It also eliminates “bad things”, such as free radicals, which could be harmful to the brain in the event of excess”, she explains.

4) Drinking soft drink and alcohol

Soft drinks and alcohol are bad for the brain.

“Sugary drinks, including juices and soft drinks, contain huge amounts of sugar, which can harm our brain health, as it causes inflammation in the brain and can contribute to memory loss.”

Alcohol can also cause many problems, including brain fog.

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