do we really have the right to organize such an event in a prison?

The controversy does not slow down. After the organization within the prison of Fresnes (Val-de-Marne) of filmed events inspired by the show Koh Lanta for the benefit of associations, including a karting event, the controversy is still lively. If the right and the far right were outraged, the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, on his side “ordered an investigation“administrative on the subject, denouncing images”shocking“.

>> Was the karting race at Fresnes prison financed by the taxpayer, as members of the far right claim?

However, this event had indeed been authorized, in good and due form The organization of this event, baptized Kohlanness has by the way has been approved by the Ile-de-France management of the prison administration as well as by the management of the jail. ofelsewhere the director of Fresnes prison made no secret of it: he appears in the video and had also posted photos on social networks at the end of July, greeting a “moment of fraternal commitment” during competitions between inmates, of the supervisors and residents of the town.

From side from Department of Justice, it is said that the minister’s office was also aware of the organization of this daytime but no details, especially activities such as the now famous go-kart race inside the prison.

One question remains: can we organize any type of event in prison? First of all, it is clear that these tests were not exceptional.

If the go-kart race in a yard rest probably a first in the history of French prisons, enot On the other hand, the holding of activities between the walls or outside the walls is far from new. For example, theatrical performances, presentation of films are common. Dare mountain bike outings can take place, explained for her part the Comptroller General of prisons at franceinfo. Moreover, the law provides that each detained must be able to have access Has activities. That may be work, a p-trainingprofessional, teaching or even cultural and sporting activities.

But in reality, it is often complicated to organize this type of “outing”, due, in particular, to prison overcrowding. The observatory international of prisons takes the example of sport: the majority of inmates have access to the sports facilities only one to three hours per week.

“This controversy serves everyone”. This was declared by Sébastien Nicolas, the secretary general of the SNP-FO direction, on franceinfo, Monday August 22. According to him even if this event is “a little out of the ordinary“, he insisted on recalling that “similar activities and events in prison are very common“. And this, for a simple reason: “The law asks us to develop an enormous number of activities in prison, because reintegration does not only pass through school and work, but also through sports activities, educational activities, cultural activities which all have objective of the reintegration of detained persons”, he specified.

Finally, itContrary to what the messages shared on social networks say, this is not “of rapists or murderers”specify the organizers to franceinfo. All inmates who participated in this activity are all serving short sentences and are in a process of reintegration. Moreover, the prisoners that we see in the video were selected by the prison administration, said one of the organizers.

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