“Do the French prefer the candidate who wants to fight against the great warming or the candidate who theorized the great replacement?” Asks Gabriel Attal

“Do the French prefer the candidate who wants to fight against the great warming or the candidate who theorized the great replacement?” This is the questioning of Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson, guest this Sunday on the program Questions Politiques on franceinfo and France Inter, facing Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally.

Asked about the French who, during demonstrations against the far right on Saturday, shouted “Neither Macron nor Le Pen”he explained that he understood that those who “had chosen another candidate in the first round who did not qualify are disappointed” but that in the second round, it was “project against project”and that a choice had to be made between two ballots.

Defense of the ecological assessment of the five-year term

“Do the French prefer the candidate who wants to fight against the great warming or the candidate who theorized the great replacement?”, he asks in the preamble, before continuing on his way. First on ecology: “Do they want a France where we invest in innovative renewable energies or a France where we dismantle wind turbines?”. Then on the Ukrainian conflict: “Do they want to continue to be the voice of Europe against Putin or become the voice of Putin in Europe?”. Then on Europe: “Do they want to continue building the EU or get out and deprive our young people of Erasmus?”. Finally, on discrimination: “Do they want to continue to fight against discrimination or do they want to ask our police officers to chase veiled women in the street to tear off their veils?”. According to him, there is a majority of French “which are much closer to the values, the line and the projects carried by Emmanuel Macron than those of Marine Le Pen”.

One of the most divisive points relates in particular to ecology. Gabriel Attal defended the results of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term by recalling all the progress made: “In 2017, France was the first in the world to ban the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons on its soil. We are gradually closing all coal-fired power plants, there will only be one left next year. next, against four or five at the start of the five-year term. He also recalled the investments made.

“We have financed the deployment of 10,000 kilometers of cycle paths, we are in the process of putting an end to single-use plastic.”

Gabriel Attal

at franceinfo

He also recalled the means implemented to renovate housing and encourage the French to change their vehicle, and recognizing that it was necessary “do more by investing more”. In total, during Macron’s five-year term, CO2 emissions fell by 12%, according to the government spokesperson.

Conversely, Gabriel Attal points to Marine Le Pen’s ecological program: “The planet is the only one to whom you are not giving a gift in your project. Because in reality, you are not promising anything for the environment, but you are promising setbacks.” According to him, the candidate’s project would be to stop the development of renewable energies: “We would be the only country in the world of the Paris agreement to stop the renewable energies that we need”he addresses Jordan Bardella, before concluding: “You are the candidates for the great warming, in addition to being the candidates for the great replacement!”

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