“Do not whistle on the pianist”, the show to see at the Atrium de Vergt

The socio-cultural space of the Atrium, in Vergt, begins this year 2022 with a new programmer, Franck Pinon, amateur of shows of all kinds, programmer and producer of shows in his old life before arriving in Périgord.

His artistic proposals are simple: he knows them like the back of his hand, has seen the performances, and has only one desire, to share them with you. A fan of hybrid or crazy shows, he invites you, for example, to see “Don’t whistle on the pianist” this Sunday February 6 at 5 p.m. Half-concert, half-theatre, it’s an astonishing and amazing encounter between a pianist, Christine Chareyron, and a vice-world whistle champion, Bertrand Causse. A gateway to the classical because this concert remains above all a recital with pieces known to all.

See you at the Atrium de Vergt, Chemin du Château, this Sunday February 6 at 5 p.m. Reservations on 05 53 54 90 05.

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