“Do not touch my post” soon on Canal +? Cyril Hanouna makes a big revelation…

Is the future of “Touche pas à mon poste” really written on C8? This is a question that has been around for quite some time now. And so far, Cyril Hanouna left a little doubt and did not completely close the door to a transfer of his emblematic program to another channel of the Canal group.

Friday April 8 in TPMP, the question was revived by journalist and columnist Clément Garin.You are going to confirm or deny the information, but if you could confirm it that would suit me. We arrive in April, there are always negotiations, discussions and it could be that you end up on Canal + at the start of the school year“, he struck the host of “Balance your post”. Once and for all, Cyril Hanouna shed light on the situation and clarified the situation. “I will tell the truth. It’s very clear. We’ll be on a channel in the fall. We will be live on a channel at the start of the school year from 6:40 p.m. until 9:15 p.m., always in the clear and in this group”, he promised. And to add:Know that you will not be increased, since we remain of course on C8. I tell you again, for the moment no. There’s a lot of football on Canal+ so if we have to focus on football, that means we do the show twice a week. It’s true that we love Canal, but we’re very good on C8. We will still be here next season.”.

A statement that seems to rule out any arrival on Canal +. In April 2021, Lino and Bianca’s father had been more open about an arrival on the encrypted channel. “Today, everything is open. Now, it is very possible that we stay on C8 but we don’t know what can happen. It’s the same group. If the management tells me: ‘we need you on Canal +’, of course I will do what she asks me to do. Either way, we’ll be broadcast unencrypted. It means that if one day we are on Canal+, we will be in the clearhe advanced.

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