Do not touch my post: Géraldine Maillet very uncomfortable, a personal subject in question

Information that intrigued him, but the columnist did not want to say more, creating a slight discomfort on the set. As usual, Cyril Hanouna therefore went through the joke, throwing at him: “Alright, he’s in the Who’s That?“, a small spade that made Daniel Riolo’s companion smile, who ended up letting go of the piece, embarrassed: “No, but he left a long time ago“.

Realizing his blunder, the gang leader concluded with a “Alright, so let’s kiss it“, which made the other columnists laugh but not really Géraldine Maillet who replied in a somewhat dry tone: “Not me, but you, if you want“. It must be said that the columnist had already explained that her father had abandoned her at the age of 5.

Then turning to his mother, Dominique, who unfortunately became deaf when Julie Gayet’s friend was still very young, Cyril Hanouna finally dropped the subject, surely realizing the embarrassment of his accomplice, pillar of the show since many years, despite the various controversies.

Deemed too close to Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign by the columnists, she had been violently taken to task by Cyril Hanouna during a discussion on a political subject. The host had criticized him for being “intolerable” and “lesson giver“, adding that not all French people were like her”with a good life“. An accusation that had knocked her off her feet.”You don’t know my life! I’m 50, you don’t know what I did before, you don’t know my background. What do you know about my life?!“, she retorted before threatening to leave the set: “If that’s how I shut up, and maybe I’ll even leaveA threat she didn’t carry out, but the show ended on a chilling note. Later that week, the two reconciled.

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