“Do not let yourself be intimidated by those who want to replay the match”, launches Emmanuel Macron to the candidates of the invested majority

Don’t be intimidated by those who want to replay the game“, launched Emmanuel Macron to the 500 candidates of the presidential majority invested for the legislative elections, gathered at the Docks d’Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis) this Tuesday, according to participants interviewed by franceinfo. “Be strong, determined and humble candidates“, he said.

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Without ever quoting Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who, in his eyes, did not succeed “union of the left” but from the far left. Emmanuel Macron told the candidates that “The third round does not exist“: “The Democratic Republican Progressive Lefts are with us” says the re-elected president.

Our country is divided“, assured Emmanuel Macron, recalling the political context. If a cohabitation with Jean-Luc Melenchon “would be a disaster for the country“, whispers a pillar of the majority, “Don’t think you’ll win easily“, thunders the head of state. “You are the ambassadorss of a project, an ambition and method“, he assures.

There is a duty of requirement and humility. You are custodians of a project. Nothing is acquired. Don’t run an install campaign. It’ll be harder than it’s ever been“, according to him. “You have 33 days left. Not a second to lose. Your duty: to fight in the morning, noon, evening and night“, recalls the president. “Nothing is written, nothing is done. You have a conquest to lead to get a majority. With this solidity, this clarity, this ambition and this humility, I ask you to fight. Fight, fight and fight!“, he concludes.

Shake like a red rag the specter of the leader of rebellious France at Matignon: the advice was passed to candidates on Tuesday in training workshops. Yet most don’t really believe it. At the end of their cohesion meeting, they were just as interested in the asides of a president who lingered after his speech, on the lookout for the slightest rumor concerning the next government. Many were also in a hurry to see some major laws unveiled to serve as concrete arguments during the thirty days they have left to campaign.

The President of the Republic also detailed his ambitions in ecological matters, on the question of Europe, work, the autonomy of France, school or even health. “You are the custodians of this ambition“, indicated the head of state.

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