Dmitri Medvedev promises more conquests, a year after the annexation of four Ukrainian regions

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev vowed on Saturday September 30 that Russia would capture more territory in Ukraine, invaded in February 2022. “The special military operation [en Ukraine] will continue until the complete destruction of the Nazi regime in kyiv and the liberation of originally Russian territories from the hands of the enemy”wrote on Telegram Dmitri Medvedev, president from 2008 to 2012. “Victory will be ours. And more new regions will join Russia”, continued the current number two of the Russian Security Council and zealous supporter of the attack on the Kremlin in Ukraine. This declaration comes a year after the claimed annexation of four Ukrainian regions, presented by Vladimir Putin as the accomplishment of the imperial project of “New Russia”. Follow our live stream.

Romania announces a possible violation of its airspace. Was Romania’s airspace violated? Bucharest claims on Saturday to have detected drones in its sky during nighttime attacks launched by Russia on infrastructure in the Danube region, in neighboring Ukraine. “After the detection of groups of drones heading towards Ukrainian territory near the Romanian border”, residents of the towns of Tulcea and Galati were alerted, said the Romanian Ministry of Defense. He added that so far no objects appear to have fallen into Romanian territory.

kyiv wants to attract defense industrialists. Volodymyr Zelensky inaugurated in kyiv on Friday the first international forum dedicated to the defense industry, in the hope of attracting manufacturers capable of producing weapons in Ukraine and “build an arsenal” against Russia. “We are interested in locating the production of equipment necessary for our defense and advanced defense systems used by our soldiers”summarized the Ukrainian head of state in his introductory speech.

Ukrainian drones shot down in Russia. “Eleven Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed by air defense systems (…) including one over the territory of the Kaluga region and ten over the Kursk region” in Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Telegram on Friday. The governor of Kursk previously said that the border region with eastern Ukraine had been “massively attacked” by Ukrainian drones.

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