Fashions change… and so does Quartier DIX30. Determined to break with this image of power center where motorists are king and master, developed nearly 20 years ago, the Brossard shopping center will swap the concrete of Avenue des Lumières for a wooded linear park, bordered by smaller businesses.
What could be called “Old DIX30” needed “love,” Nicolas Désourdy, president and partner of Carbonleo, a private real estate development company that manages Quartier DIX30, immediately acknowledges. This avenue, which had an uninviting sidewalk and was heavily trafficked, needed to be revitalized, he concedes.
“We had to give people a good reason to go there,” he mentioned during an interview with The Press.
And this reason is an investment of $20 million to transform this heat island – which extends from Leduc Boulevard, near the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) station, to the Manuvie Theater – into a park including a trail with a length of 1400 feet located in a green space of more than 120,000 square feet. Some 200 trees will be planted there. The 52 parking lots that lined the avenue will be eliminated. Cars will no longer be able to drive there. Consumers who go to DIX30 will be able to set foot on the famous park at the end of September. The work has been underway since April. Although the construction site is bustling, the businesses located along the construction site are still open, it was noted The Press by going there. It now remains to be seen whether the presence of the machinery will have an impact on their sales during the summer.
Think smaller
The renewed concept of Avenue des Lumières was developed based on the new realities of retail, which differ from those of 2006, when it was created. At that time, retailers occupied spaces of 5,000 to 6,000 square feet, says Mr. Désourdy. Now, they occupy premises that can measure between 2000 and 4000 square feet.

Nicolas Désourdy, president and partner of Carbonleo
We go from style power center to a more urban, denser style. Retailers perform better in fewer square feet.
Nicolas Désourdy, president and partner of Carbonleo
He gives as an example the cases of La Vie en Rose, Bikini Village, Dynamite and Garage, previously located elsewhere on the site, which moved their premises on Avenue des Lumières to smaller spaces. “They generate the same sales, but in less square footage. They are more efficient,” he noted.
Thus, this section of Quartier DIX30, which has around fifty locations, will gain around ten additional spaces, thanks to the subdivision of existing premises. By adding “walls”, DIX30 will therefore be able to accommodate new retailers.
An appetite for restaurants
Restaurants will also be added along the redeveloped avenue, a priority for Carbonleo. And for good reason: nearly 38% of the people who arrive at DIX30 come there to eat, according to Nicolas Désourdy. If the industry is experiencing ups and downs, the restaurants located on the site of the Brossard shopping center are doing rather well, he assures. The proof: the premises left vacant by BrasserieT! and Juliette & Chocolat, which closed their establishments due to financial difficulties, have already found buyers.
“There is a lot of enthusiasm for catering. This is one of the sectors that works best. The idea of Avenue des Lumières is that we want it to be the destination for the terraces. »

Restaurants will also be added along the redeveloped avenue.
An Irish pub like McKibbins, a refreshment bar, a high-end restaurant, these are the types of establishments that will be added to the landscape.
Although he has to deal with the work, Claude Labonté, CEO of Groupe Restos DIX30, owner of La Tomate Blanche, L’Aurochs steakhouse – Salle à manger, L’Aurochs steakhouse – Espace festif and Le Café du Théâtre Brasserie Française, sees the transformation of Avenue des Lumières in a very positive light. “They’re going to remove the concrete and put in greenery,” describes the man who has been at DIX30 since the beginning, “back when there was a grain field.” Mr. Labonté acknowledges that, in its current form, this avenue had become “outdated.”
The REM and offices
Furthermore, the presence of a REM station, in operation since July 31, 2023, has changed the situation for the DIX30, believes the president of Carbonleo. “With the REM, it’s much easier for retailers and restaurateurs to have employees,” he observes. It removes a barrier. Before, it was still complicated to get there by bus. »
This new way of traveling between the South Shore and Montreal will also have allowed Quartier DIX30 to rent more office space.
With a total of 550,000 square feet of office space, the vacancy rate fell from 30% to 3% in two years. “I would say that REM has had an impact, that’s for sure. There has been a repositioning of companies who want an accessible office, close to their employees. »
Regarding traffic on the site, Carbonleo cannot speculate on the impact of the REM. One thing is certain, it increased by 4% this year from January to June compared to the same period last year.
A new residential area is also planned not far from Avenue des Lumières, but it has not been possible to obtain further details at this time.
DIX30 district in brief
Founded: 2006
Total area: 3.1 million square feet
Number of businesses: more than 270 boutiques, 70 restaurants, 2 hotels and 4 food markets
Average amount spent by each customer: $254
Total number of parking spaces: 10,000
Location manager: Carbonleo
Carbonleo in brief
Foundation: 2012
CEO: Andrew Lutfy
Number of employees: 180
Head office: Mont-Royal
Projects: Quartier DIX30, Royalmount, Four Seasons Hotel