Divorce of Mathieu and Alexandre: the surprising reaction of Karine Le Marchand revealed

The news had the effect of a bomb Tuesday, September 12, 2022: Mathieu and Alexandre, a couple who formed in 2020 on the show Love is in the meadow (M6), decided to divorce. It is more exactly Alexandre who made this decision. A “sledgehammer” for Mathieu who is the one who revealed the information. A few hours before the two ex speak during a live which will be organized on Instagram, here we know the reaction of Karine Le Marchand to this announcement .

It’s because of Leisure TV, who Mathieu confided in, that we know how Alya’s mother reacted. And as surprising as it may seem, when no one thought this break possible, which occurred only a year and two months after their marriage, she understood that it was going to happen. “She told me she felt it. That the last time we had eaten together, she had felt… She told me that she had already felt Alexandre gone. While I hadn’t felt it, but I was in the middle of the thing so…“, said Mathieu. The facilitator very close to the couple – she had even attended their union – would she have a gift? No … Karine Le Marchand who has been presenting for twelve years Love is in the meadowhas always had a keen eye, whether it’s recognizing contenders more drawn to the cameras than farmers and contestants who are destined to end up together.

Still, the news of the breakup of Mathieu and Alexandre – who have just released a book on their love story, Do we love: Or how two men that everything opposed live the most beautiful of adventures – surprised everyone else. And the reasons for this divorce were immediately revealed by Mathieu. “Today, we separate, by mutual agreement. Well, we call each other every day. We lived two extraordinary years, really. We did a lot of trips. But at one point, Alexandre struggled to find his place. I think he needed a quieter, less turbulent life. He wanted to be stable, a more classic life“, had declared the breeder of bulls in the Camargue.

What about their GPA project? Mathieu went to Colombia to continue the procedure and confirmed that he would have a baby on his own. He has already found the godfather of his future baby in the person of Jérôme, a farmer who had participated in the same season as him of Love is in the loan. Mathieu is the godfather of his daughter Capucine…

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