You only have a few days left to register on the electoral lists. If you want to vote in the 2022 presidential elections (April 10 and 24) you have until Wednesday to register online and until Friday at the town hall or by mail.
This is one of the novelties of this election where, unlike 2017, the deadline is no longer 31 December of the previous year. What normally avoid queues for registrations at the last minute but which does not prevent a certain effervescence within the office of elections of the city of Saint-Étienne.
“We have several hundred online requests exposes Christelle Fournet, the head of the citizenship and population service. It’s approximately between 200 and 300 a day with 700 pending. We find it difficult to update ourselves because there are also people who come directly to the office and sometimes with incomplete documents. With the vast majority of online requests there are people but it is less visible“.
About 88,000 registered in Saint-Etienne
The electorate of the city of Saint-Étienne should be around 88,000 registered but we have to wait until March 4, the last day of registration to have the exact figure. The Presidential having the particularity of attracting many first registrants : “Seither they have just acquired French nationality or they are particularly interested in the national debate. Suddenly we see people aged 40 for a first registration. We don’t see it for other elections“.
The electoral cards will arrive at the end of March in the letterboxes of Saint-Etienne. Double check your polling station as it may have changed. The town hall has made some adjustments.
– Visactu