Divided presidential majority, risk of “chaos” announced by Nicolas Sarkozy, Attal rather than Macron… Richard Ramos’ “8h30 franceinfo”

The outgoing MoDem deputy from Loiret, Richard Ramos, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday June 16, 2024.


Reading time: 17 min

Richard Ramos, outgoing Modem deputy from Loiret (franceinfo)

Richard Ramos, outgoing MoDem deputy from Loiret and candidate for re-election, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Sunday June 16. Divided presidential majority, risk of “chaos” announced by Nicolas Sarkozy, Attal rather than Macron… He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot.

“Gabriel Attal, the strong man of the majority”

“We have a team leader: it’s Gabriel Attal” for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, said this Sunday on franceinfo, Richard Ramos, outgoing deputy and deputy secretary general of MoDem. He estimates that “Gabriel Attal is the strong man today” while “the President of the Republic is weakened”. He thinks “so normal” that the Prime Minister “set your agenda”.

He therefore calls for a gathering”around Gabriel Attal, the strong man of the majority” to lead this campaign, he repeats, “with people like François Bayrou or socialists like François Rebsamen”. The mayor of Dijon and former minister of labor “called all socialists or former socialists” to join “a large central bloc in order to avoid the danger of being governed by the extreme right”.

Candidate for re-election in Loiret, Richard Ramos does not “will not post the president’s photo” Emmanuel Macron on his campaign poster. On the other hand, he will mention that he obtained “the support of Gabriel Attal” and the presidents of the presidential majority parties, François Bayrou for the MoDem and Édouard Philippe for Horizons. The head of state “must be overhangingbecause he “has his mandate to end”he pleads.

Emmanuel Macron “is perceived” as an “arrogant” person

Richard Ramos believes that the European elections last Sunday show that there is “a personal rejection of the President of the Republic”. Because Emmanuel Macron “is seen” like a person “arrogant”.

The outgoing MoDem deputy thinks that the head of state and his advisers whom he appoints “egg heads” did “a mistake in 2022” because they “wanted to step over the presidential election”. For this election, “we didn’t campaign, we didn’t debate with the French”, he laments. Then, two years later, “in the European elections, we said ‘we were going to have the European debate’ but the French said: ‘comrade president, there is no question that you are giving us the European debate when you have not made us have the French debate ‘”.

Now it is too late, judges Richard Ramos. These legislative elections will not make it possible to comfort or not Emmanuel Macron, according to him who “in any case, he will not be able to represent himself”.

June 30 ballot: vote “for central space”

Richard Ramos calls for a vote “for the central space”, that’s to say “for Gabriel Attal” and the presidential camp “done the three years that remain”. Without this, he predicts “chaos for a year” since the president will have to wait a year after the legislative elections to be able to dissolve the National Assembly again. Gold, “I think that the RN, which is very high today, will not have an absolute majority in this chamber” And “I don’t see Mr. Mélenchon’s kind of alliance with the socialists. It’s impossible,” argues Richard Ramos before concluding : “The country will be ungovernable”.

“I think it’s us” the bulwark of the National Rally, also believes Richard Ramos who hopes to convince and be heard while the electoral campaign is short and “Every day, every hour, something happens.”


Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Sunday June 16, 2024

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